2014年8月12日 星期二

天使的智慧20140810 擴張

做出擴張的選擇  Making choices forexpansion


Doing what you knowis right and best for you can sometimes be a challenge as there arealways choices available and knowing which one pulls from yourheart or the desires of others or your ego self can be the biggestobstacle and often stop you from making any decision at all. Thereare times when it is advantageous to just take a breath, surrenderto the will of spirit and simple allow for events to unfold withoutdirecting its flow and there are other times when it is best totake the reins and charge ahead, directing the flow with yourintentions and actions . You know which one is right and best foryou always when you take a bit of time forintrospection.


Take the time to lookcompassionately at yourself and your life. Whatever needs to occuris already in motion by your intent. You are constantly changingand evolving, adding new experiences and insights that help toshape the new you that you are becoming. You are constantly addingand expanding to your authentic self and finding new and freshexperiences adds to that growth, this is why you are continuallyseeking that expansion. Listen to your heart andhow you feel and what you think for you know what to do!


Affirmation: "My pathof destiny always reveals itself to me and I am in the flow of theriver of my life as I expand and grow."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:SharonTaphorn  翻譯:NickChan


