2014年8月26日 星期二

【天使的智慧】20140822 《神聖的視線》

靈性視線的禮物 The gift of spiritual sight


Your third eye is beginning to open wider and whileit is sacred and longed for, it can also sometimes be disturbing.You may be experiencing flashes of lights like lightening appearingwhen your eyes are close, and feel pressure in your forehead oreven a dull ache. You may be seeing colours and energies aroundbeings, or plants and animals. You may be seeing orbs and lightsall around you. You may even be seeing spirit guides and ethericcompanions around others. This is all natural and normal andsomething you are re-remembering that you are able to see beyondwhat is seen. You may have more vivid or changing dreams as well aschanges in your sleep patterns.


This will all pass, expand, and find its balance asyou continue allowing the process to open. Drink plenty of water toflush away the old and be clear and more sensitive to the energyaround you. Water is a great amplifier and you are mostly made ofwater and so it is important to keep your vessel clean and clear tofeed you. Working with crystals andlearning the secrets of speaking with them can help magnify yourexperiences. Ingest food at its highest potential so that it isfeeding you and you will find that you are processing through thisexpansion in a better way. All will be well regardless and so enjoythe experience of its unfolding. Journalwhat you see and your experiences as log of your progress and tohelp you to understand the symbols and visions and ask your guides,higher-self and angels to assist you in the process.


Affirmation: "As I open my sacred spiritual sight,the world around me begins to transform into colour, sound, andlight, I am beginning to see another world superimposed with mineand all is well and natural as I now see the grandness of all thatis. "

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, theangels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn

翻譯:Nick Chan  http://blog.sina.com.cn/s/blog_bd4aebd60102v0a0.html

