Sometimes it feels like you are crossing a vastdesert and there is no end in sight and you are longing for apeaceful oasis to stop at for a bit and replenish your stores aswell as your vitality and enthusiasm for the journey. It is inthese times that looking within and seeing that you have theresources, the talents and the skills to help you through until youget where you want to go. All the experiences of this and otherlifetimes are stored within you, all the challenges you havesuccessfully faced, all the wisdom and understanding you haveacquired are available for you to draw upon and can support you tomove forward with focus, courage and determination.
Learn what you can and review your motives andreasons why you chose this path and be sure it was for all theright reasons and if those reasons have changed, it is a good timeto take a break, take a breath and set your intention for a newoutcome that is more in keeping with the new you that has beenemerging. It is okay to change your priorities, just be sure thatyou are not giving up on something that is truly important to youjust because you are tired of waiting for the divine timing of itall falling into place. Sometimes honouring your commitments andseeing them to completion brings you the satisfaction you desire,sometimes it is best to release it as it is not the path for youany more, and sometimes it takes a modification in your thoughtsand feelings and wham, you find that missing piece and it allsuddenly fits together. Whatever the case may be, trust that youhave what it takes, and you will get there!
Affirmation: "I am resourceful, determined andfocused. I have within me all that I need to help me create mylife, face challenges and move forward with the knowingness that Iam supported and can accomplish anything I set my mind and heartto."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, theangels and guides
You are dearly loved and supported, always, theangels and guides