2014年9月5日 星期五

【天使的智慧】 20140903 《樂觀》

保持你的想法與感受樂觀  Keep your thoughts and feelingoptimistic


The power of your thoughts and feelings play a bigpart in not only how you see your world but also on the resultsthat you receive with your intentions. What you think about usuallymanifests as that is where your energy is flowing. If you findyourself lying awake at night worrying about what the future holdsand feeling it is an unsafe, that is exactly what prophecy you arecreating for yourself.


When you hold the thoughts and feelings of 'I think Ican' or even better yet, 'I know I can,' that is when you see themagic in your creations and the opportunities you seek manifest inyour reality. Remember that you are that little red engine thatcould and you will find the strength to get where it is that youwant to go. Allow yourself time through contemplation andmeditation and the answers and signs to help to guide you will bethere. Positive thinking is essential at this time, so turn yourattention to the future and the possibilities it offers you, andleave the past behind you.


Affirmations: "I know that I can do it. I have thestrength, the courage, and the determination to manifest myintentions into my reality. I believe in myself and my abilities asa co-creator of my world."

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, theangels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

