2014年9月21日 星期日

【天使的智慧】 20140918 《儀式》

設置神聖的空間  Setting Sacred Space


Preparing yourself for your day is a wonderful giftto give yourself. Not only does it help you to set the energyaround you, it gives you the opportunity to set the intention foryour day. ​​Everywhere you are is sacred space and when you recognizeand honour the energy around you, you will find that your daybecomes better in every way.


Take a moment each morning, light a candle, say aprayer and clear the energy around yourself and your home and thenput a bubble of love and light around you and then set yourintention for your day, from your heart of what you would like toexperience. Choose your thoughts and words carefully as these willset the energy of what you have asked to receive in your world andyour experiences.


Invocation: "I clear the energy that is around me andmy home and then surround myself in an orb of love and protectionas I go about my day. ​​I ask that I have a good day surrounded bypeople I love, people who are happy, and that I make a differencein making this world a better place through my actions."

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, theangels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn  翻譯:Nick Chan 

