2014年9月25日 星期四

【天使的智慧】 20140922 《轉變》

淨化你的思想,轉變你的感受  Purification of your thoughts, transformations ofyour feelings


As your transform your outdated thoughts and feeling,a purification process takes place and this sometimes can feeluncomfortable as you shed your old skin. It is important to takecare of yourself and to also get through the process so that youcan move on to something more meaningful to you and your life. Itmight be time to purify thoughts, actions, relationships, orattitudes towards them as well as anything else in your life thathas become out of balance or unhealthy, perhaps a habit or two youwould like to break free from.


Perform a ceremony or rite that would be perfect tohelp you transmute and purify. Light a candle and prepare a sacredspace. Ask that Archangel Michael clear the energy around you andto help you cut the cords that bind you to lower thoughts andthings. Also to protect you during this time of vulnerability andgrowth and to give you strength and courage to know and do what isright. Write down anything you wish to release or transform on somepaper and place them in a fire proof container and watch them burnas Archangel Michael helps you to release what doesn't serveyou.


Call upon Archangel Jophiel to help you to beautifyyour thoughts and feelings and to help you see the beauty thatsurrounds you and is also within you. Ask Jophiel to help you seethe gifts you have already in your life and feel the peace andserenity she gives to you. Allow her energy to surround you in anorb of light and in this light, you will know that you areloved.


Affirmation: "I release and transform unwantedattitudes and beliefs that no longer serve me or my growth. Ipurify my thoughts and feelings as I surround myself with lovinglight, positive intentions, and an open heart."

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, theangels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn  翻譯:Nick Chan

