2014年10月2日 星期四

天使的智慧20140929 回顧

看看過去  Looking at the Past


You haveacquired much as you have journeyed through this lifetime andothers and it is a good time to do a review and see the gifts thesehave brought to your now. The lessons you have learned from theseexperiences are part of your soul's path and helps you tounderstand your purpose on a small scale as well as from the largerperspective of spirit. It can help you to understand and also showyou that you have alternate choices or a course of action that waspreviously blocked from your view.


We do not wish foryou dwell on the past or live there, for you have already done thatand we wish to help you to move on to something more but don'tdiscount the lessons you have learned, or the wisdom that itbrought to you, for all an important part of who you are. We lovethe you that you are becoming with each step that you take and welove the you that you are right now. Take a breath and take a bow,you are ready to step into a new aspect of your life and lookingback can show the way.


Affirmation: "As Ireview my life and my past with love, understanding and compassion,I am able to better understand, see the gift in the experience,release it and let it go. I am ready to move on to this nextchapter of my life ."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

