It is time to light your inner fire, take action andfollow your passion. You know what needs to be done, so get busyand take the steps to allow yourself to open and expand your lightduring this time of transmutation. Pay attention to your thoughtsand feelings, your actions and your relationships and release whatdoesn't serve you or your growth. Your mind is quite powerful andyour claircognizance is letting your know what is right and bestfor you, so notice what it is telling you as this can be your mosttrusted guide.
This is a high energetic time for you, so itimportant to stay grounded. Spend time out of doors, visualizeyourself connected with the earth, and the trees. Visualizeyourself walking barefoot on the grass and feel the earth betweenyour toes, smell the flowers, feel the breeze, smell the rain oruse any other images and sensations that help you to strengthenthis connection. Doing this helps you to ground your ideas andinspirations into the physical world as well as helps you to healand rejuvenate.
Affirmation: "As I take action and follow my heart, Iopen myself up to expanding growth, the expected and theunexpected, and I know that I am safe to explore the mysteries ofthe Universe. I trust my knowingness."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan