Not only is each moment a gift, a treasure, and apresent, it is the present, and really all that you truly everhave. Your every thought and feeling have power in your now and sochoose carefully which ones you wish to hold as your own. This isan opportunity for the revelation of your own value, and forging abond beyond time, as you are surrounded by guardians from your soulfamily who are here to assist you, and support you in the unfoldingof your purpose.
Divine timing is also a gift and the rings of time aresuch that you will all arrive at your destinations according to agreater harmony and alignment. Your spiritual maturation ishappening perfectly. Everything is taken care of. All you have todo is live your life - Like a fine wine, pop that cork and just letit breathe and then savour the flavour of the bounty and therewards of manifestation that are yours when you trust in eachmoment and the All that Is.
Everything is happening perfectly and unfolding as itshould and it is most important to trust in that and go with flow,be it fast or be it slow.
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angelsand guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan