2014年11月27日 星期四

天使的智慧20141124 空白

過渡的時刻  A Moment ofTransition


Between each cycle, abeginning or an ending there is a moment of transition that is thevoid. This space can last for just a moment, like the spacein-between each in-breath and out-breath, or it can last for manyyears of deep inner work. The transition may require patience andtrust as sometimes you just do not understand why something soseemingly simple can take so long.


See this void time aspreparation for the next cycle in your manifestation process. Trustthat any darkness or the unknown, is holding you with love, notwith unfeelingness and just relax and let the preparation be whatit must be. Trust that in this time you being made ready for thenext steps forward on your glorious divine adventure of a lifetime,meeting and interacting with the divine - in human or spirit form.Trust that there are parts of your own process unfolding that yousimply cannot know about just yet. It will not always be this way,but for now it is. There is growing to be done and the void willbring forth the next step on your path to meet you. If you have aquestion you wish to understand, surrender it to the void and letit become what it must be according to divine wisdom and spirituallaw.
Enjoy this void timeas it symbolizes that you are being prepared for a fresh newmoment, excited, open, and curious. Be present, Be patient, and Belove unfolding.

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:SharonTaphorn  翻譯:NickChan 

