Your angels and guides are answering your prayers, itis just that sometimes your expectation on how they should appearis not really how they appear. Expect to receive an answer, justlet go of the how's and the what's and don't give up and move ontosomething else before you notice them. Be open to the possibilitiesand the signs, they are there. Also notice how and what you areasking for and be sure that your words and what you need help withare actually in-sync with eachother.
For scenarios to play out, all the right people mustbe in play. If it involves certain people, everyone must all beready and in agreement. This can require divine timing in ways thatare hard to understand when you are a spirit dressed as a human.Expect that it will happen, just not so much on the how's and thewho's as there are many characters in your play to help you alongthe way.
Take action as you feel guided. When you are in-touchwith your truth and it is important for you to accomplish, rememberto have confidence with that truth and lovingly assert yourselftowards your goals. Expect miraculous solutions to appear andnotice the steps your entourage of guides and angels are sendingyou through your feeling, thoughts, and dreams. When you ask forhelp, it is always there, so look around and trust that it isso.
Affirmation: "I am receiving the assistance andguidance that I need to help guide me on my path. I am taking theaction steps and following the signs that help to light theway."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan