2015年1月20日 星期二

天使的智慧20150117 生活體驗

把你的意圖投射入你的生活  Project yourintentions into your life.


You have learned manylessons since you began your awakening and now is the time toproceed further down the path, knowing you can apply what you havelearned to make a better life. Stay calm and get really clear aboutit is you want to create. You have all the tools and skillsnecessary and ready to assist you on your chosen path. It is nowtime for you to make the choice in what you want that path to looklike as you enter this next phase. Important decisions are bestmade on a full stomach, so ensure you are feel balance, and wholeand are taking good care of you. Quickly clear away all that nolonger serves you as it is time to see things from a differentpoint of view and when you are not holding onto the past, it iseasier to see the future and the now. Regardless what you choose,keep the faith and envision it happening for you.


Make time for thosein your life that are important to you as it makes life moremeaningful when you have others to enjoy it with. Taking time to enjoy yourself and play as these are importantaspects of life to help you feed all of your bodies. Let others seeyour warm, thoughtful and sensitive side as wellas your more realistic, independent side. Use your charm and useyour wit, as they will take you far and that is really where youwant to go.


Affirmation: "My lifeis filled with diverse experiences to help me grow and expand mylight and understanding of life. I am ready to begin this next newand exciting phase in my life."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

