2015年2月6日 星期五

天使的智慧20150204 渴望

Mu的回歸   Returning of Mu


This is a time ofdeep learning, of expanding, of re-remembering and you long for thedistant feelings and becoming as you once were in Lemuria, apeaceful, supportive community where you each took care of oneanother and lived symbiotically with the earth and her cycles. Thistime is here and as you begin to know your authentic self, you willattract others who are on that same quest, others who were with youduring the great days of Mu...Remember and you will ignite thesefeelings within yourselves once more.


Sometimes in greatshifts it can seem overwhelming, but rest assured, there are otherswho can help you remember your heritage and help you along the way.Remembering your earthy spirituality, community, and love for eachother becomes a way of life that can help you to reground andregroup when the world around seems full of chaos and confusion asothers struggle to find their way. Treat each other with the loveand respect and watch as that same world begins to shift andtransformation become inevitable as the momentum builds, drivingothers to search for a better way.


Affirmation: "Iconsciously choose to move forward connected to the trees, theearth, and the ocean as my source of strength, good health, andconduct, as I become more connected with my authentic self and theAll that Is."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

