Be it cleansing orawakening, there has been a surge in the emotional energy on theplanet and for some of you this has been almost debilitating andfor others is it pure exhilaration. This is a time to gather yourstrength and set your course and this is so much easier if you havereleased the past and stopped looking back with melancholy orsadness for what might have been. It is time for forward movementand the changes that brings to your life.
Take a breath andbreathe deeply as you are entering into a new life, exchange oflife breathing energies can help with the upswing that is nowavailable. Reclaim your strength, reclaim your power and reclaimyour authenticity. This is a powerful time and the waves of powerthat it brings allows you to be seen in a new light, to use as thegrounding of your strength as well as to help you tomanifest. You are stronger than you think and itgets so much better from here.
Affirmation: "I as Iawaken to new deeper levels of emotional understanding, I becomestronger, more powerful, and more who I am meant to be, discoveringmore of my authenticity."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan