You are a limitlessbeing and every situation has multiple possibilities and outcomesand when you take the time to just breathe and look at things froma broader perspective, it will help you to understand. Release theego's need to be in control of what is happening and allow yourinner knowing to guide you. Things always turn out as they should,even when it is not what you expected or planned. The Universefinds its way to perfect balance when you get out of your own wayand allow. Trust that this is so and release any negative orunsupportive thoughts and people.
Focus on love and letthat be your guiding force. Look at the wonder attributes inyourself and others. Focus on the positive aspects andcharacteristics of the people in your life. Remember the things youabsolutely love about them and what attracted you to them in thefirst place. This helps you to change the energy around you andhelps improve your outlook, which in turn, helps to change yourlife.
Your angel guidanceis to remember that you are a divine and wonderful person withunlimited potential and that you are deserving of all the wonderfulthings that life has to offer. Believe in yourself and yourdreams.
Affirmation: "I amlimitless and live in a world of great potential. When I believe inmyself and the love that is around me and within me, my world opensup in new ways that helps me to realize my dreams."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan