2015年3月4日 星期三

天使的智慧20150302 平衡

保持平衡   KeepingBalance


There is a need forbalance and moderation right now and sometimes that requirescooperation and compromise which are not always easy to reach withall that is happening around you. Going through these tough timesassists in your spiritual and emotional growth and if there is alot of mental energy around telling you what to do, what isacceptable and what not to do it can be doubly trying. Soon thistime will pass and you will feel more grounded and centred.Remember to release unwanted thoughts and feelings as this willhelp you reach that state at a faster rate.


Have courage andtrust in yourself and your connection to the earth, the guides andthe angels and keep charging ahead. If you feel you have made someunwise choices then this is the time to change that thought processand see it as the moment that you became aware that you wantedsomething more, something different that what you currently had andit was the catalyst for great change in your life. Remember thatyou are loved and supported and to take your actions based in loveand that you are doing your best and what is good and what is rightfor yourself even if others don't always agree with you or yourchoices.


Affirmation: "When Iam balanced and in harmony with my goals and intentions everythingfalls together and the best outcome manifests for me and for thegood of all.

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

