2015年3月6日 星期五

天使的智慧20150304 自信

建立你的自信   Build yourConfidence


Believe in yourselfand strengthen your resolve. This helps you to give you clarity intimes when you need to make a decision or a choice. You are nothere by accident or some serendipitous twist of fate, you are herebecause it is exactly where you need to be to accomplish what youcame here to accomplish and if you were not up to the task, youwould not have placed yourself on this path.


Release any feelingsof less than and let go of thoughts that do not support you or yourgrowth. When you are attuned to the energy of peace and relaxationit is easier to communicate your abilities with the world and helpsyou to feel good about yourself, feel happier and feel moreconfident. You have what you need, the talents and the skills arewithin you already, it is just that you to need to re-remember yourmagnificence allowing you to feel more confident andempowered.


Affirmation: "Iembrace my confidence. I am happy, clear, and doing the best that Ican. I feel good about myself and have the talents and the skillsto do what I need to do to create opportunities and besuccessful."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

