There is so much toaccomplish and you will get it all done. It is important for you tokeep your focus and make a plan. Trust that there is always anothercourse of action that is available to you should you choose to takea different path or approach to the situations in your life. Youare not alone and are being watched over by beings of love who arealways supporting you. Find others of a like mind to help you astogether you have more answers and are stronger. Be prepared forall possibilities and expect for some exciting change to come yourway.
Review the details,review your motivations and then take that time to make a decisionthat you feel are best and right for you. Be clear about what youwant and then take action to help you to create it. Detoxify anynegative thoughts or even negative people from your life right nowas they just keep you in a holding pattern that has already had itsday. Choose carefully the words you use to talk about your life andyourself as it will pay dividends in your future and help you tomanifest your intentions and goals into the physical.
Affirmation: "I amdetermined and focused on seeing my intentions and goalsmanifest in my world."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan