知曉你是有價值的 Know that you areworthy
You are absolutelyworthy and let no one diminish you. You deserveall good things, just as others do also. The challenge is in thebelief that you are worthy and your angels want to reassure youthat you are. You, just like all the other beings on planet earthare made up of particles of Creator Light, and therefore worthy ofreceiving all the wonder, joy and happiness this world has tooffer. Know that you are loved and you are supported and believethis with all of your heart.
Keep forging aheadand know that there is always a solution to every problem, and yourangels are working with you, by your side, supporting you, offeringyou signs as guideposts along the way when you ask them forassistance. The more you expect to see the signs and guideposts,the more they appear. Expect miraculous solutions. This a greattime to make some long term plans and believe in them and believein yourself. Keep balanced emotionally and mentally and use youroriginality and ingenuity to help you get things done.
Affirmation: "I amworthy. When I believe in myself and my talents and skills, I amunstoppable.
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan