2015年3月12日 星期四

天使的智慧20150310 洞察力

洞察力意味著感知到什麼是正確的   Discernment means sensing what feels right to youand for you


Trusting what youfeel. Trust that you are guided by your innateinner wisdom that is actually your internal guidance system. Yourangel guidance is to look deeper at all the relationships, peopleand situations in your life right now and respond with your innerfeelings, feelings that come from deep inside of your being. Thequiet voice within you that says, "Don't do that", or "Don't gothere", or "Follow that feather and see where it lands" or perhapseven, "Say hello and smile at that person " or "Go this way, orthat". These are all promptings from your inner being, your spiritself that is always connected to your physical self and the otherdimensions. As you look deeper, you will see the love thatunderlies all all things. Let that love be your guide.


Use discernment inall that you do. Take the gift from everything that you do, readand see. If you are reading or listening to something that doesn'tfeel right, send it love and release it. If it feels completelywrong to you, politely smile and excuse yourself from thesituation. If you can't leave it at that moment, take a few deepbreaths, feel yourself surrounded by the love of your angels andjust be in the moment. Take in only that which resonates with youin that time, and just leave the rest. It might be helping othersat levels that are not a part of your journey. The most importantthing you can do for yourself is trust what is right and best foryou and act from that centre.


Affirmation: "Ifollow the guidance from my inner being and can easily discern whatis right and best for me, my growth, and my path."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn    翻譯:Nick Chan 

