2015年3月24日 星期二

天使的智慧20150321 連接

精神連接   SpiritualConnections


You have connectionsand relationships that go beyond this lifetime and it is not alwaysunderstood by those who don't see beyond what is. It is not worthyour time to explain this connection for it must be one that isexperienced in order to understand. What is most important is thatyou know and trust that love makes the difference. Love can help toheal past hurts and also provides you with a sense of security,self-worth, and even to feel important to another. Love can do somany things.


Everything happensfor a rea​​son. Know that some of the people who come into your lifeare there just to teach you a lesson and make a rea​​l impact on yourlives. Others can be just to make your laugh, to know that you aretrusted, or that you are not alone. Sometimes this is about love, asoul mate relationship or a relationship for growth, it isimportant to you in this lifetime. Remember to trust love,everything else will fall into place. Allow your heart to remainopen, and be willing to allow yourself the support you need if youneed it.


Affirmation: "I trustin allowing the evolution of my spiritual connections to unfold asthey should and trust in love to heal all wounds, past, present,and future."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

