2015年3月30日 星期一

天使的智慧20150327 目的

一切都有著一個目的   Everything has apurpose


Everything, everyperson, and every event was put on your path with and for apurpose. There is no such thing as a coincidence, or accident. Itis all divinely orchestrated with all aspects of you involved inthe process and choices that you make. The purpose Your lifepurpose is ultimately to do that which brings you joy,satisfaction, growth and fulfillment. Seeking these soul qualitieswill put you on your path, and attract to you all the right people,places and things to assist you in achieving your goals for thislifetime.


To find the purposeof a current situation, ask your angels to guide you to a greaterunderstanding. See yourself and the entire situation through theeyes of your angels, with compassion, an open heart and an openmind. Judge no one, including yourself. Send out waves of love andsee the entire situation healed and complete. Spend time meditatingalone upon the gifts that are bestowed upon you during this timeand hold that energy in your heart as you go about yourday.


Affirmation:"Everything and everyone has a purpose and are put upon my path fora rea​​son. I understand and see the gifts thatcome to me through each experience."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

