Find peace with yourself and your past so that youcan find the path that will lead you to the enriching future youdesire for yourself and your world. It begins within you and as youfind this inner peace, you are then creating more peace around youand then it ripples out and more find peace and that is how apeaceful world is created. Release any thoughts or feelings ofregret, sadness, disappointment or forgiveness from your heart andyour mind and know that as you do it frees up that energy for yournext phase. As you find peace within you,you will find more peace around you.
If it is guidance that you seek, a meditationpractice can provide you with the answers that you require to findyour path of joy through your spiritual growth. Embrace your innerchild and let them express their thoughts and feelings and perhapsit is now time to re-write the scripts that you have been playingfor so very long. Bring out your inner child to play and embracethe joy of just being in that moment, of running in the wind,dancing in the rain, jumping in the puddles or swinging till youcan touch the sky. Whatever allows you to feel that full joy ofspirit in the moment is the key to finding moments of inner peaceand satisfaction which will lead you something morewonderful.
Affirmation: "I am at peace with myself, my choicesand my life. My life is filled with joy, peace, andexpansion."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan