與自然合一 Being One withNature
Utilizing the giftsof Mother Nature can help you strengthen your energy, strengthenyour wisdom, and strengthen you connection to the Divine. Youbecome one and relax and receive and it is truly a symbioticrelationship where you assist each other in the process oflife. Spending time consciously experiencing thisenergy can help you make your earth journey much more pleasurableand is symbolic of everything you choose to create and manifest andis the seat of your Creativity. Work with it and become morepowerful and watch as your life begins to change.
Visualize a rainbowwaterfall of light cascading all around you and let it bathe yourbody, strengthening your connection to nature and the Divine. Whenyou are in the energy of this pure light, allow your thoughts towonder and feel whatever feelings and images come to mind and justbe in those moments, open and allowing. Many of you will receivethe answers you have been looking for, the rewards that you seek,and the healing that you need to continue on in this time ofintense energy and shifting times.
Affirmation: "Iawaken and strengthen my connection and my aliveness with MotherNature, the Creator, and the All that is."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides