Each one of you playsan important role in this world. You are thechosen ones and it is time for you to step into your contracts andshare your gifts and contribution with each other. You have theresources and ability to manifest great things for your world.Learn all that you need to learn and then express yourself fromyour heart and know that your desired outcomes will occur. Havepatience with each other and support one another while this processunfolds.
To help heal anysituation, see everyone's point of view with compassion andunderstanding. Each of you has different life experiences and theyhave helped to create you. Use these experiencesto assist each other, to use kind words, a compassionate heart, andsupport one another. Offer your respect and honour those who walkwith you, walk their talk, and let your circle of support grow fromthis higher dimensional energy.
Affirmation: "I amhonoured to walk this path with those by my side who support abetter way and each other."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan