2015年4月26日 星期日

天使的智慧20150423 綻放

你才剛剛開始   You are have onlyjust begun


Have patience withyourself and the process as it unfolds in its most perfect timing,and do not give up. Your angel guidance is to remember thatsometimes the process takes longer than expected so be gentle withyourself. Open your heart and your mind and have compassion foryourself and life's unfolding, but most of all access the wisdomwithin you that recognizes the Divine in everyone and everythingincluding and sometimes most importantly in yourself. It is ofteneasier to see this for others and not offer the same courtesy toyour own life.


Know that you, yourloved ones, and your possessions are safe and protected by theangels. If you don't feel that way already, ask Archangel Michaelto surround you with his protective light and send him to also bewith those you love, and those in need . Trust in yourself and thebeauty that is you and know that when you are true to yourself youspread much light, joy and freedom, and empower others to find thebeauty in themselves and their own power and light.


Affirmation: "My lifeis blossoming and unfolding at the perfect rate. I am safe andsurrounded by the loving light of Archangel Michael and all iswell."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

