2015年4月29日 星期三

天使的智慧20150427 和諧

找到你的空間,生活於和諧   Finding your placeand living in harmony


Find your balance andsure footing as you go about day, regardless as to what ishappening around you. When you are balanced and centered, you areat your best and when you are at your best you are better able tobe in service to all that is. It is an energy that allows you tomanifest all of your desires and feel the enchantment of a joyfullife. Change is always happening and nothing ever remains the same,this is how you know you are growing. Let yourself blossom andnurture yourself. If you resist change, you aregoing against the natural order and flow of your life.


Love where you areand what you're doing. This is the fastest way to complete thetasks at hand and free you up to move on to bigger and betterthings. Let the magic that is all around you enhance your dreamsand desires and know and trust that all things are possible andnothing is holding you back, except yourself and you own thoughts,from seeing your intentions manifesting for you. Keep your focus,and keep charging ahead, you will get there. See the beauty and thelove that dwells within each heart and know you are as strong andas mighty as trees, the wind and the stars.


Affirmation: "I am atOne with the Universe. I am in harmony with the flow of my life andmy inner feelings are reflected in the beauty that is all aroundme."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

