2015年5月6日 星期三

天使的智慧20150503 意圖

清晰的意圖   Clarityof Intentions


Be clear about yourdesires and intentions on what it is you would like to manifest inyour life, and focus upon them with all of your truth, trust intheir ability to manifest and take action with passion. Now is theperfect moment for you to act on those inspirations . The doors areopening, everyone and everything is on your side, supporting yourdesired outcome. Don't procrastinate, as all the ingredients areripe for success and manifestation. Allow yourself to imagine thatyour dreams are already manifested and experience the emotional andphysical feelings of receiving.


Your Angel guidanceis to welcome the new in your life. If you are unsure what is thenext best step for you to take, consult an expert. Once that firststep is taken towards your desires, the Universe then givesadditional help. Seek wise counsel from someone who has expertisein this area, and benefit from their knowledge and experience. Toattract the right expert to assist you, be it an earthy being oryour Angels and guides, set your intentions and ask that they bedrawn to you. Be open to all possibilities.


Affirmation: "Ahelpful, knowledgeable, experienced and wise being with integrityis coming into my life right now, and I am open to receive in alldimensions of time and space conspiring with me to make thingshappen in my life."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

