2015年5月20日 星期三

天使的智慧20150518 內在的力量

你有著巨大的內在力量  You havegreat inner strength


You are stronger thanyou sometimes realize and when you look within for your innerstrength and resolve, you have more faith in yourself and thepositive outcome you desire. When you truly believe that thingswill work out, that faith gives you the confidence and the strengthto see it through the challenges and storms that are a part ofbeing human.


Your angel guidanceis to look deep within to your inner self. The strength is insideof you. Though you may not always feel that way at the time, youare able to push through and go beyond your current experience.Believe in yourself and know that you have the power within you tosee this through to completion. The angels are with you, supportingand caring for you, call upon them to buoy your faith and yourstrength and know that you can do it.


Affirmation: "I lookto my inner strength and resolve to assist me when I need to bestrong and I trust that when I have faith and believe things willwork out, they will."

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

