2015年5月22日 星期五

天使的智慧20150520 發現

你處於一條自我發現的旅程中  You areon a journey of self discovery


Explore your life asif you are out searching for new frontiers. Let your inner guidancehelp to show the way and trust that you deserve the best, becauseyou do. Reach for the stars with your dreams and your desires anddo not compromise or settle for less than your pure heart desires.You live in an abundant Universe and there is enough for everyone.Trust that you will receive what you need and be open to receiveit, then leave the how up to God and your angels and as thisunfolds for you, ask that it happen in a way that brings happinessand joy as you explore your new frontiers.


While your dreams anddesires are coming to fruition, keep your focus on noticing thesigns of which way to go, and keep charging along. Create a happyhome and work environment for yourself and settle for nothing less.Keep your thoughts positive and supporting you. Use affirmations asthey are powerful tools you use every day, it is just thatoftentimes you are not listening to the affirmations you are usingin your thoughts and what you speak. It is a new world to exploreand work within, transform what needs updating and see thewonderful discoveries that are on the horizo​​n.


Affirmation: "I loveto explore the different aspects of my life and I know that manywonderful opportunities await my discovery as my journeyunfolds.

就是如此  And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

