2015年5月25日 星期一

天使的智慧20150522 指引

指引可供你使用  Guidanceis always available


Whenever you needsome assistance or you are feeling lost and alone, your angels arethere surrounding you with love and light. Ask to feel them andknow that you are truly never alone, and we are always there besideyou, holding your hand. Ask with your heart open and you willreceive the answers that you seek. Trust that they will come,perhaps not exactly in the same way you have imagined, so be opento other options.


Take some quiet timeon your own, perhaps near a garden or a lake and meditate. Feelyour connection to all the love and the beauty that surrounds you.Focus on the issues or situations where you feel stuck or unsureand we will give you a sign, do not discount it as yourimagination. Celebrate that you have received a message. It mightbe an inner knowing or a sudden flash of insight, a song, wordsfrom another human angel, or through your dreams. They can comefrom words in a book, a book or perhaps even from an advertisement.Trusting and being open are key and they will come toyou.


Affirmation: "I trustthe guidance I seek is there for me when I ask for assistance andclarity."

就是如此  And so itis

You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides

通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

