Each and every one ofyou is an important part of this unfolding, continuous experienceand has a vital role to play in the grand plan of all that Is. Askyour angels to help you see the difference that you make in theworld, the difference you make in the lives of others. Everyonecounts and it is a magnificent experience to lend a hand to anotheralong the way, and the energy that comes back to you is amazing.See the beauty and love of who you are and in turn, notice it inothers. The more you do, the more you see it all around you. Thereis turmoil and chaos happening, that is not hard to find, solook beyond that for the love, the service andthe generosity in the hearts of others and see the underlying orderin all that is unfolding .
The angels are withyou and supporting your plans for grander things ahead. When youact to serve for the good of all, you find alternatives and avenuesyou never thought possible. Remember to be open to receive as well,for that is how the cycles work at this time. Open you heart andmind to all the possibilities and opportunities that are availableall around you.
Affirmation: "I amhonoured to play my part in this beautiful unfolding Universe thatwe are creating."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan