During times of greatshifts and energy fluctuations it can be difficult to keep yourfocus and loose sight of what it is you are working towards. Don'tput off working at your life's purpose or your personal andspiritual growth by getting caught up in the drama of others, whatis happening around you and in your world. It only distracts youfrom the tasks at hand and getting on with your own life. If youfind yourself being drawn into the world of the human egos, clearyourself completely with an energy bath and transform it back intopure energy with no attachments and return it to the earth or theenergy grid to be utilized by all who know of its usage and power.Send those around you love and let it go.
If you need a gooddose of getting lost in a story and pulled into the various plottwists and turns, find yourself a good book to read or a movie thatyou enjoy. It can be like a mini vacation without the costs or timeof leaving home. When you are done you can just close it up and putit away or pass it on to someone else. If you find yourself pulledinto the drama of someone else's story, view it like you arereading that book again and imagine it has a happy ending for all,pull yourself out of it and release it back to theUniverse.
Affirmation: "I focusmy attention on what is most important for me, my purpose and mylife. Wherever my focus goes, that grows and I can consciouslychoose what thoughts I hold."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan