It is not always easyto wait for the divine timing of the Universe and for all things tocome into play but there are times when that is just what you needto do. If the Universe is not ready for your plans and you aredoing all that you need to do to be in the flow with that, thenthere will be times when you can just sit back and enjoy the rideas things catch up to your stride. Remember to take that time toenjoy, to be kind and to see that your actions speak loudly. Make adifference in the world around you and you will find that flows andsynchronicity and serendipity become your way of being.
Remember that lovemakes a difference and truly the difference. It can heal oldwounds, past hurts and provide you with a sense of worth that isbeyond description. Express love in all that you do, through yourthoughts and your actions and act as if you already have what youdesire in your life and consider it so.
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan