As you awaken yourpower and purpose you begin to take charge of your destiny andrealize that you have great value to offer to humanity. Throughseeking knowledge and understanding, you receive knowledge andunderstanding. As you are ready to step fully into yourpurpose you can be both creative and prosperousand begin to weave your spiritual aspects throughout the differentareas of your life and begin to experience a greater life welllived.
You have great powerand it is very real. Within you is the ancient wisdom of yourancestors and those who have come before you who have paved the wayfor this grand awakening. You are a result of love through the agesand this wisdom is available to anyone who chooses to create apersonal relationship with their guides andangels.
Affirm: "I weave myspirituality through all aspects of my life. I am awakening to myown value and power."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan