Deep levels ofhealing with ancient wisdom are available to you now and this canbring about profound healing. If you have been feeling out of sortsor your life seems upside-down or you are in the midst of somephysical issue or just feel like you are losing energy, it is timeto regroup and put your own healing first. You cannot serve theUniverse or yourself if you are not feeling at yourbest.
Quiet your mind andask for the angels of Divine consciousness to bring their energyand surround you and any issues or situations you would like tobring healing to and feel yourself surrounded in a warm and healinglight. Feel the Light of the Divine consciousness pour over youwith love, a powerful healing intention, and repeat themantra:
Mantra: "I am healingphysically, emotionally, and mentally, allowing my spiritual bodyto be energized and revitalized. I am healed and the Divineconsciousness of love fills every cell of being. I am atPeace."
Remember that DivineLove can heal you in a blink of a belief. Trust thisknowing.
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan
Quiet your mind andask for the angels of Divine consciousness to bring their energyand surround you and any issues or situations you would like tobring healing to and feel yourself surrounded in a warm and healinglight. Feel the Light of the Divine consciousness pour over youwith love, a powerful healing intention, and repeat themantra:
Mantra: "I am healingphysically, emotionally, and mentally, allowing my spiritual bodyto be energized and revitalized. I am healed and the Divineconsciousness of love fills every cell of being. I am atPeace."
Remember that DivineLove can heal you in a blink of a belief. Trust thisknowing.
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan