2015年7月27日 星期一

天使的智慧20150723 新的一天

今天是新的一天  Today is a new day


New opportunities areavailable to you with each new sunrise. Each day bringsopportunities for something grand to happen and there are positivenew experiences on the horizo​​n. Don't give up just as you are aboutto cross a huge hurdle in your life and see the results of yourwork manifesting in your life. It is not always easy to do a humanjourney and that many times it seems that there is no choice otherthan to give up and sometimes the best solution can be to just walkaway. Ask your Angels to surround you with love and hold you sotight during those dark hours and in the morning a fresh newperspective becomes evident to you. Ask to become more aware of thebigger picture so that you will have more confidence in whateverdecisions you make about yourself and your life.


Keep your thoughtspositive, use affirmations to help you stay focused on your goalsand intentions and carry them with you to use when you feel yourspirit wane. Take time to see the beauty that is all around you,keep hope in your heart dear ones, and feel the love and honourthat is bestowed upon you by your angels and guardians. Know thatyou are not alone and we are with you. Remember that you also haveearth angels and soul family with you on this journey to supportyou and help you to grow beyond where you are and that you aredearly loved.


Affirm: "Today is anew day, a fresh start and I know that many wonderful things arehappening for me and my life."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly lovedand supported, always, the angels


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

