Choose to focus yourattention on the areas of your life that you are grateful for andfocus on the little things in life that are most important to yourheart. When you place you attention and appreciate the joy andsatisfaction you have, you will draw to you more of that . Where youchoose to put your attention is what grows. If you lament your lackor the patterns of the past, it keeps you stuck in that cycle. Letgo of any negative focus and spend some time each day acknowledgingwhat you have and appreciate the beauty that is all around you. Youhave much to be grateful for.
Your angel guidanceis to remember that the more you appreciate your life, what youhave, and where you are, the more your life will appreciate invalue. Choose to appreciate yourself and all that has brought youto this place. This decision helps shift your consciousness fromlack to value and it will bring you more of the richness of life.The Universe wants you to have your hearts desire and is waiting tofill your life with beauty and joy. You are ready to go deeper sobegin today to shift your focus and open the door to abundantprosperity in your life.
Affirm: "Every dayand in every way, my life grows and flows with joy and abundance.As I increase my thoughts and feelings of gratitude, I attract morereasons to be grateful."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan