2015年7月28日 星期二

天使的智慧20150725 力量

你很強大  You are Powerful


In this moment, allowyourself to reflect upon a time when you felt powerful. Recall theemotions that you felt and the support and strength which came fromwithin you and let this memory imprint your goals and intentions.This is a lifetime in which you are taking back your power andusing it for the good of all. It is about learning to use yourpersonal power to not only assist yourself, but to help all ofhumanity to begin to move together in expanded understanding andsupport. Together you are stronger.


Your angel guidanceis to remember that you are truly infinite and limitless. You cando anything you choose to do and do it with your own special brandof magic. This personal empowerment leads others to be brave enoughto make the changes they need to do to take their power back andthen together you can move mountains. Use your power to make theworld a better place. Appreciate the pleasures in your life, bothlarge and small, and remember that the more you appreciate yourlife, the more your life will mirror back those thoughts andfeelings of gratitude .


Affirm: "I am strongand determined. I am Powerful. As I increase positive thoughts andfeelings about my life, I begin to attract even more situations andreasons to be grateful."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

