2015年8月4日 星期二

天使的智慧 20150801 選擇

平衡與選擇  Balance and Choices


It is important to set your intention so that you can more clearly see the choices that are available to you. Release any indecision or self-doubt as they can drain your energy and make you feel stuck in your present, waiting for something more. Meditate on your options and see where spirit guides you. Take the path that resonates most with your goals and intentions and follow your heart and trust in that decision.


You may not have known what to do in the past, however your soul has been trying to guide you all along. Open up to the potential and create some powerful intentions and affirmations to help keep you focused and balanced as you move forward. It is a great time of receptivity and intuition, but also make some plans and take a logical approach and take advantage of this time of highly charged energy to use your creativity for the new beginnings and see the results of these significant changes in your inner and outer world .


Affirm: "All that I need is already a part of me. I have the power to direct my choices and my life, now and always."

就是如此  And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

