Indecision doesn't serve you. It is time for you to take your power and do what speaks to your heart. Trust in the outcome, not so much the chosen path which is always fluid anyway. Trust that the outcome you feel within your heart of hearts is truly going to manifest and it will. You must then be open to the possibilities and the signs to guide you toward that goal and be patient while it manifests.
Make a choice and stick to it for a while as it unfolds. See what it has to offer you and enjoy the steps that you take. You are guided and not alone so be brave knowing that your angels are at your side. You know what to do, You know what is right and best for you better than any other being. Do something today that speaks of those choices, and know that spirit supports you.
Affirm: "I make decisions about my life that are best for me and support my desired path. I am guided on my journey of self-discovery."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan