2015年8月15日 星期六

天使的智慧20150813 價值

價值,健康和欣賞   Value, Health andAppreciation


Truly believing thatyou are worthy is an important stage upon the path of awakening.Oftentimes you have been lead to believe that you are not worthy inteachings of the past, by those you love, by the religions of thetimes, by the ideals of the self. It matters not what or where theorigin of this belief began, what is most important is that youbecome aware of the need for this healing and transformation. Whenyou have felt devalued or criticized by the words or even thoughtsof self and others, it causes doubt in your own value.


Becoming aware thatyour own thoughts and feelings no longer need to be influenced bythe negative vibrations of others and that it is important for youto transform any unwanted thoughts or feelings as soon as theyarise. Release any toxic connections and know that you are free todefine and value yourself no matter what. This self-worth and howyou value yourself is very much tied to your overall healing andwill change your life in many ways.


Affirm: "I releaseany toxic connections I have to the past belief that I am notworthy and transform any thoughts and feelings of less than tosupport the image of the me I am creating. As I shift myconsciousness to value, I bring more worth and richness to mylife."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn  翻譯:Nick Chan

