2015年8月19日 星期三

天使的智慧20150817 精神視線

用你的精神視線去看   See with your Spiritual Vision


Expand your abilityto see more than meets the eye. As you open this sense and take thetime to develop your deeper sight, it allows you a greaterunderstanding and trust in your guidance. Let your spiritual visionhelp you create, assist in your healing, or help with the guidanceyou seek to assist you on your path. As you comemore into your own power, events begin to occur with great speedand so be very clear your choices and motivati​​ons and be open tocreative solutions. Trust what you see in your mind's eye as wellas your physical sight and your feelings. These deeper thoughts andfeelings and are your guidance system and it is there to assistyou.


As you perfect usingyour thoughts and feeling, you will expand your senses and betterlearn to trust them. Continue to move forward and see the positiveresults or the gift in each experience and know that much more isavailable to you when you are open to receive. Work on developingyour sensitivities and learn to trust in yourself and yourmessages.


Affirm: "My spiritualvision is expanding as I focus my attention on seeing more. Eachday I am becoming more sensitive and in control of my abilities andmy senses."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan 

