There is enough for all in this beautiful Universe. It istime to live your life abundantly. This can mean many things.Abundance has little to do with your monetary system and more to dowith your thoughts and feelings. Living abundantly is yourbirthright and it matters not who or where you are or where you arefrom. Look around you and see the love, the beauty and the kindnessof others, that is abundance. Feel the joy and love that dwellswithin your sacred heart, that is abundance. Know that aredeserving of all the fulfillment life has to offer, that isabundance.
The journey of life is meant to be filled with wondrousadventures and as you learn to trust in yourself and your abilitiesto create, this is when you fully understand the concept of livinglife abundantly. Living abundantly is amatter of consciousness. Your angel guidance is to live your lifefrom this perspective and see that it is truly an adventure inunderstanding yourself and who and what you are.
Affirmation: "My life is abundant with love, beauty andsupport. I am open to receive all the infinite richness theUniverse offers me."
就是如此 And so it is
Youare dearly loved and supported, always, the angels andguides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan