2015年8月25日 星期二

天使的智慧20150823 平靜

平靜你的頭腦,身體和精神  Calm your Mind, Body,and your Spirit


These can bechallenging times and in those moments when you have had enough,stop, take a deep breath and allow that moment to create an aura ofcalm around you and just be in that moment. Release any fears,frustrations, anger or any other thoughts or feelings you need torelease, even if just for that moment and just be in that moment.Remember a time when you felt at peace, relaxed, and loved and justbe in that moment. Allow yourself to take a few minutes to be inthis moment of balance and harmony, do this for yourself and thenwhen you are ready, bring this energy into your relationships, intoany challenging situations, anywhere you feel the need. Let thisenergy go within every cell of body and dissolve any aggression oranger, let it help to mend a broken heart, let it replenish yourenergy, and fill your Body, Mind, and Spirit with rays of calminglight.


Affirm: "I amsurrounded by calming light to cleanse, soothe, and replenish theenergy of my Body, my Mind, and my Spirit."

就是如此   And so itis


You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn   翻譯:Nick Chan

