You are on the rightpath to creating an abundant life for yourself. Decide what it isthat is most dear to your heart, be it peace, contentment, love orany other emotional, mental, or spiritual dimensions for yourselfby keeping your thoughts focused and positive, your emotions inbalance and believe in yourself. After you make some plans, thinkof the spiritual aspect of what it is you want to create and how itmakes things better for your life and those around you. Then askyour angels to help you see what it looks likeupon the successful completion of each project and then look withinfor your passion. Really look at it and feel that sense ofcompletion and then choose to focus on that energy.
Spend time every dayin that energy and remember the feeling it invokes in you and letthat be your power source to help you create what you desire. Clearaway or transform any doubt or thoughts of fear that creep up andany other unwanted thoughts and feelings as they no longer serveyou. Let the dreamer within you and the strength of your courage bethe foundation upon which to build and create your dreams andintentions into your reality. You are ready to start this nextchapter of your life.
Affirm: "Everythingis working out for me and my goals and intentions are manifestingin my life. I easily focus on my plans and that energy helps themto manifest more quickly."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan