2015年9月13日 星期日

【天使的智慧】 20150910 《吸引力法則》

開始去意識到自己的想法和感受   Begin to be conscious of your thoughts andfeelings


You can change or heal any situation by elevating yourthoughts to a more positive level. You attract certain people orsituations because they mirror your thoughts, emotions, and/orbeliefs. In the same way, people and situations that you once founddesirable sometimes begin to move out of your life as you'veshifted your vibration through your spiritual path to another levelof understanding.


Your angel guidance is to remember that "Like attractslike". This means that everything and everyone that you draw intoyour life is similar to your thought patterns or the beliefs thatyou are holding. If you want to change what or who you attract,hold more positive , loving and joyful thoughts. The guides and theangels can help you with this shift. View what you are receiving asneither a reward nor a punishment, you have attracted it, whichmeans that you can also repel or magnify it as you choose.Visualize and affirm only what you desire and watch as what youattract begins to change in new and more desired ways.


Affirm: "I am attracting to me more of what I desire tocreate in my life by holding more positive thoughts and feelingsabout my life and those around me."

就是如此   And so it is


You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides


通靈:Sharon Taphorn    翻譯:Nick Chan

