Sometimes the energy around you feels a bit crazy and it is hard to keep your focus or gain any clarity or understanding to what is going on in your world. It is very helpful and healing to connect with earth as a part of your regular spiritual practice and it helps you find your centre and feel in balance with everything. Nature and Mother Earth are powerful tool to help in your healing. Part of the reason you are on your earth sojourn is about finding the joy of being in each moment, regardless to what is happening around you, finding your peace, regardless of what is happening around you, and expanding your connection with all that is around you and realizing you are full of great potential. We applaud you for having the courage to do this human journey without the memories of your magnificence and the knowing that you are a part of the beautiful Creator.
Take a deep breath and find your centre. Once you are there, ground your energy first with the earth, and then with the stars, and then blend your heart with your angels and become more aware. From this still point of reference all things are possible. There is no doubt or fear here, for it cannot exist in the presence of pure love.
Affirmation: "As I find my balance and return to the centre of my Being, the world around me falls back into place and I am better able to accomplish the things that are important to me and my growth."
就是如此 And so it is
You are dearly loved and supported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan