Look past the seeming errors, mistakes and misunderstandings, and see only love. Love is the fundamental underlying force of the Universe. See only love within each person, especially yourself. See the love in your actions and the actions of others. Choose to look for and see more love.
Remember that the human journey is not always an easy one and some people appear to do a 'better' job than others. The angels wish to remind you that you are not all so different, there is no 'more than' or 'less than ', all are equal and part of the great Creator energy. Some of you are able to tune into the broader aspect of the experiences more clearly than others and some of you have already learned the power of coming from a space of love.
Your angel guidance is to see yourself through the eyes of your angels and you will see the beauty and love that we see in you. From that point of love, the rest of the world can then begin to see from this higher aspect of love.
Affirm: "I choose to come from Love, to see with Love and to be a beacon of Loving Light for the world."
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan