Yourprayers and expectations have been heard and are being answered byyour angels and guides. They are doing their best to work on your behalfand so trust that your your prayers aremanifesting. The angels want to remind you to stay positive, andfollow the guidance of your heart. Your angels are working with youevery moment that you ask for their assistance, even if you aren'tseeing the tangible results yet. Stay on your present path and keepmoving towards your goals and intentions.
Your angel guidance is to stick with a plan that feels right for you andlisten to what is in your heart. If you feel something isn'tworking check in with your guides and angels and from that point oflove decide your best options. Be cautious of the advise of others,even the well intended, as they don't always see the bigger pictureor all aspects that are important to you. While they may want thebest for you, it is always your choice and it is best to follow thepath that feels right to you.
Affirm: "My prayersand intentions are manifesting for me and my dreams are becoming myreality."
就是如此 And so itis
You are dearly loved andsupported, always, the angels and guides
通靈:Sharon Taphorn 翻譯:Nick Chan